Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Reflection of ...

Hi everyone
it is said this time is the last time to update the blog, it is pretty sad since I heard this news, 'cause that means semester 1 is almost running out.

anyway.this time i just want to talk about some reflection( that's why i put "the reflection of ..." haha 'cause i even don't know reflect what things...)

i wanna talk about this blog in semester 1. this activity form is quite novel and useful, using blogging method not only can improve our writing skill but so much fun~ although we need spend some time on that, and for conservatory student it's quite harsh. well~ suddenly aware something budget time for us is really important~hah hah

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

New York Philharmonic performence review

It is said that new york philharmonic will visit Singapore this year and some of crew will give our school's students a masterclass before this semester begin. Actually I was shocked since this "bomb news" came out, fortunately, this news comes true, not only the masterclass but also two stunning performance will show on at Esplanade.

I have adored this orchestra for very long time, they always give audience a great performance, besides, one of world best trombonist Joseph Alessi is a member of this orchestra. so exciting. This time new york philharmonic present Brahms D Major Violin Concerto and Mahler symphony no.1

As for me, I think this performance is brilliant, because, I love Mahler's symphony, especially no.2 no.3 and no.7, I haven't study music history or music theory before, so I can't analysis it theoretically. but as a amateur, musical is most important thing, the more musical and melody infuse in the piece, the more popular( I know this sentence is a big grammar mistake even can't understand, but I don't know how to fix it...) Mahler symphony, combine with deep thought and musical, plus performed by all talented artist, that's the reason I like it so much~