Monday, March 22, 2010

English Blog 3

This is an article talking about the secret of the world famous instrument builder in history Stradivari’s violin. How does Stradivari makes an amazing violin in his century which can not take advantage of the modern technology but still stand on the no.1 whatever in which period.

First let’s talk about the construction of violin and the principal of the sound making. A typical violin consists of the soundboard, maple ribs and back, endblocks, a neck, a bridge, a soundpost, four strings, and various fittings, optionally contains a chinrest, which may attach at the left of the tailpiece. Its hourglass-like shape and the arching of its top and back is the most distinctive feature of itself. The hourglass shape comprises two upper bouts, two lower bouts, and for providing clearance for the bow,two concave C-bouts at the waist.

Then let’s talk about the secret of violin’s soar and beautiful sound. The voice of a violin depends on its shape, the material which is the special wood it is made from, the graduation of both the top and back, and the varnish which on its outside surface. In this article, there is a point that there is a relationship between the sound of the instrument and the vanish which how to coat on the violin. Different vanish makes different sound. The varnish and especially the material of the wood going to improve with age, making the fixed supply of old violins much valuable. that is the same idea of the article which I choose too.

I like this article so much, not only that I can learn a lot of knowledge of instrument, and also it’s a good way to understand every instrument’s how to make a good sound which is so important to me

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Genre in music by composers in different era

Through the history of music, the time can be divided into six period which are:

The Medieval Period
The Renaissance Period
The Baroque Period
The Classical Period
The Romantic Period
20th Century and Contemporary Period

The Reason that be divided like above by musicologist is based on the music style in generally, Let's talk about more detail.

The Medieval Period is around 475 to 1400. Medieval music encompasses Europeans music written during the Meddle Ages. This era begins with the fall of the Roman Empire and ends in approximately the middle of the fifteenth century. Establishing the end of the medieval era and the beginning of the Renaissance is difficult; the usage in this article is the one usually adopted by musicologists. Medieval music was both sacred and secular.During the earlier medieval period, the liturgical genre, predominantly Gregorian chant, was monophonic. Polyphonic genres started to develop during the high medieval era, becoming prevalent by the later thirteenth and early fourteenth century. There are some famous composer in that period, such as Giovanni Gabrieli and Guillaume de Machaut.

The Renaissance Period is around 1400 to 1600. The most popular genre or style still identical to the Medieval Period - The Vocal. But there are some improvement compared with Medieval Period, some composer starting compose a vocal music with accompaniment. That not happened before.

The Baroque Period & Classical Period. Through 1750 to 1820, there are too many things such as genre, style got a huge change in this two period. For now, most famous composers that we known widely are come from that two period. The big different between baroque and the last period is there is a new style of music born - suite. Originally started by J.S.Bach. Comparing with Renaissance music, baroque music style actually is the same at most aspect, only difference is the techniques. As we know, W.A.Mozart is the paramount people that his works are a good transition from Baroque to Classical. Most classical composer are work for church and compose from court, only Mozart do not wants that, what his dream is to chase the freelance. Also Beethoven as well as Mozart.

The Romantic Period is around 1820 to 1900, it is a real new world comes for people that live through 1800 to 1900. Some famous composer such as Chopin, R.Wagner, List and so on. In this period, the main characteristics are got big change. Personal expression of emotion is the most important. Emphasis on lyrical in vocal part, gigantic orchestration and nationalism.

Last, 20th Century and Contemporary Period is beyond 1900. Form and style are more open than before, no more constrain. For example, the soundtrack of movie picture is a great instance for this period.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

What music means to me

The word Music has so many meanings that it is hard to use a really appropriate word to define it,indeed, music means a lot to me.
Before I became a musician, I was not major in music. In that moment, music means totally nothing to me. It was just like a part of the world which had no relationship with me. What I had to pay attention to was the test in regular school.
Later on, luckily, I had the chance to meet with the trombone. I was obsessed by that sound of it. Meanwhile, that was the start between me and music. When I was playing, there was always something new I could learn and feel. The more I played the more I got. It is like there is a magical things concealed in the music, and when you won its trust, the miracle will come out,and every audience will feel that from you.
When I understand that, music becomes my friend. We are not unrelated any more. sometimes, music gives me encouragement. When I am sad, music can use its magic to heal my heart. I can't live without music! I can say, music truly means a lot to me.
I think I will success thereafter, because music always with me

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Reflection of ...

Hi everyone
it is said this time is the last time to update the blog, it is pretty sad since I heard this news, 'cause that means semester 1 is almost running out.

anyway.this time i just want to talk about some reflection( that's why i put "the reflection of ..." haha 'cause i even don't know reflect what things...)

i wanna talk about this blog in semester 1. this activity form is quite novel and useful, using blogging method not only can improve our writing skill but so much fun~ although we need spend some time on that, and for conservatory student it's quite harsh. well~ suddenly aware something budget time for us is really important~hah hah

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

New York Philharmonic performence review

It is said that new york philharmonic will visit Singapore this year and some of crew will give our school's students a masterclass before this semester begin. Actually I was shocked since this "bomb news" came out, fortunately, this news comes true, not only the masterclass but also two stunning performance will show on at Esplanade.

I have adored this orchestra for very long time, they always give audience a great performance, besides, one of world best trombonist Joseph Alessi is a member of this orchestra. so exciting. This time new york philharmonic present Brahms D Major Violin Concerto and Mahler symphony no.1

As for me, I think this performance is brilliant, because, I love Mahler's symphony, especially no.2 no.3 and no.7, I haven't study music history or music theory before, so I can't analysis it theoretically. but as a amateur, musical is most important thing, the more musical and melody infuse in the piece, the more popular( I know this sentence is a big grammar mistake even can't understand, but I don't know how to fix it...) Mahler symphony, combine with deep thought and musical, plus performed by all talented artist, that's the reason I like it so much~

Monday, September 21, 2009

Talking about QI ZHANG

Hi everyone! sorry for long time with nothing update, the mid-term project was killing me! too many thing to do in last week, so I had to put a lot of thing behind, including sacrifice my major, wow, what a stupid bold decision!

Anyway, let's have a short discussion about QI ZHANG

Without doubt she is a talent young girl, as a musician, she gives all audience a great performance. Although I am not a expert on electrical organ, I can feeling and understand what QI ZHANG want to bring to us with her own music.

Only things that I don't like is I thinks this music that she was playing should be more dynamic, the whole music sometimes sounds little peaceful. but all in all I still love her music

Monday, August 24, 2009


Hi, everybody. Welcome to my new blog.

Actually, I'm quite don't like spending time on blogging, not only wasting time but also don't know what to say at it. I've tried to persist in blogging many times, at the end, failed... because some times I spend half day on that, too concentrating, too much time and not worth it. Although today I'm still not want to do this, but ah... it's compulsory, imposed by english curriculum, no blog no grade... so ah... based on that circumstance, hope I can discover some real fun of blogging...

This time, just a few introduction of myself.

My name is Zhang Yiliang, also Daniel Chang, so you can call me DAN if you like it. and I'm 18 years old, and now I'm study at the faculty of Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music Bachelor degree, trombone major. About the reason that why I choose here, definitely is the campus and the great facility! I still remember Dr. Koo told us, some famous conservatory in America such as Juilliard and Curtis, the facility especially the practice room and seminar room just like bunch of crap... haha, that sounds not good, but the good thing is, I'm very lucky being choose here studying for four years.

Ok, although I wanna say more, it's too late now. A good instrument player needs a good high quality sleep. so ah... haha , good excuse! but don't be worry, I will tell my the rest of my detail in future.